It's Raining Nickels

What is going on?! This is the 3rd time this month!

I just found another nickel resting on the backseat of my car.

Over the past couple weeks I have found 2 others. The first one was in the little door handle compartment on the driver's side (backseat of course) left there by a passenger. I do not know how you could "accidently" drop a coin in there. If anyone knows, please fill me in on the secret. The other one was on the floor on the other side left behind just a week after I found the first one.

The odd thing is that all three nickels have appeared in just the past month. Not a single cent has ever shown up before. I have been driving people for a year now. Also, they have all been nickels. Not a penny, dime, or quarter. All 3 are nickels! It's definitely a phenomenon.

All I know for sure: It's raining nickels in my car.

P.S. I am now crossing my fingers for it to start raining dimes soon. 


Unknown said…
Must be a sign from God that people need to tip you more...
Elle said…
People do tip me through the app, which I am so grateful for all the time. That's why I think this is something that is specific to my vehicle. Seems the rain cloud is just hovering over my backseat. It is definitely time to up my prayer level for a cloud that will pour out a greater blessing. I will say that this past week God has been beyond faithful in the people He has sent my way. They have either spoken into my life or the other way around. Whatever the circumstance, I felt God was directing every conversation every single time.
Marta Vulpe said…
Interesting! Were they regular nickels ?!may be they’re some rare kinds. there’s is also a betting game called Nickels!

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