Gratitude is the Best Attitude
I started writing the things that I have been thankful for in my life. Three things a day. At first, I thought it would be difficult to come up with something to write. It is always hard to find time for new things in our lives, but there are plenty of things to be thankful for no matter how small you think it may be. I am on day four now, and I am finding it hard to limit it down to just 3 things. Seriously.
I am so thankful for my partner in crime gifting me with this task by giving me a book that asks for me to write down what I am thankful for everyday. She lifts me up even when I didn't know how much I need it. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read my posts. I am blessed to have you as part of my story. Thank you, God, for giving me the opportunity to keep writing my story. That's three.