To Age or Not to Age

Age? What is age? A way we measure time? Our life? What kind of value do we put on it? Why do we value it at all? Is it important? Why?

These are all valid questions and definitely take time to ponder. You could have a whole course in college devoted to the topic of age. Well, I bring it up because of a small fleeting moment in which age came to mind for me today.

I walked into Dunkin' Donuts. Yes, I wanted a French Cruller, my favorite. Yum. There were four left, and I thought about buying all of them. I asked how much it would be to buy them. $5.09, I was told. I could get a deal and get 6 for only $5.99 the girl informed me. I told her that sadly I was on a budget and only had $3.66. I asked if I could get 3 for that amount. Unfortunately the total was $3.78. Before I had a chance to say anything, the girl applied a 5% off senior discount and waited patiently for my payment. She didn't draw attention to it. She didn't even tell me what she had done. I saw the discount flash across the digital screen in front of me. I paused to say something, to refute it. Then I looked up at the girl and saw her nonchalant smile. I handed her the money, deposited the difference in the tip jar, thanked her, and walked away thinking..."Do I really look that old?"


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