Standing Ovation for the School Clubs

I was doing some spring - I mean summer. I was always a procrastinator. - cleaning when I came across some of my awards from school, as well as my yearbooks. As I took a glance back into my past, I was surprised to find out some things about myself that I never knew. Eh-hem. I mean I knew, but I forgot with time. I must be getting old or something.

Anyway, randomly - or so it seems - I have decided to post some of my achievements from over the years here. Let's just say that the ones that are underlined are the ones I value the most, since I seem to have tucked them away in my mind in a TOP SECRET compartment all these years.

1st grade: News/Announcements spokesperson on our very own school news tv network. It's always important to know what's for lunch.

2nd grade: Basketball. Go Hawks! I still have my team "jersey." We made it to the championship, but I was benched for unsportsmanlike conduct that happened during the semi-finals. Basically, I was "hogging" the ball because my team didn't know how to play. Coach tried to bench me at that time, but when the other team started to catch up to us, he put me back in to win the game. I got us to the championship, and that's all my coach cared about. With me sitting out, my team didn't score a single shot. I was so furious. Coach wouldn't let me storm out, which I definitely tried to do. Then at the end of the game, he told the team that they lost because I wasn't a team player. That I had let them down. Talk about creating school enemies for me. Thanks, Coach.

3rd grade: Recorder. Who didn't? Theater. I was in a play portraying the Ozone Layer. My costume was comprised of a garbage bag, sunglasses, and spray cans. I got to do a little rap about how humans are damaging me with all the pollution and chemicals they release into the atmosphere.

4th grade: Chorus. La-la-la.

5th grade: Band. Clarinet, in case you were wondering. Also, I entered the talent show...singing and doing my own choreography to Britney Spears' song "(You Drive Me) Crazy." The worst part was that more than half the class told me they voted for me, and I didn't even make it into the top three. Liars.

6th grade: I quit band to be the star of my Volleyball team. Okay, that's a stretch because that was probably the best group of girls that I have ever played with in my entire life. It was also the beginning of my love for the sport. Oh, and you guessed it! We won the championship. I remember we had golden colored jerseys, and we chose a puppy to be our mascot, but I cannot remember what we called our team. I am not sure if I still have the jersey, but I do have the volleyball that I had my team sign. It is still in good condition to this day. In addition, I won 2nd place in the World's Fair for featuring France; its history, culture, and food.  That must have been when I secretly fell in love with the country. I was in ART club, as well.

7th grade: PRIDE. No, not what you are thinking. This was a club that wanted to help students see how harmful drugs and alcohol can be by way of education and theater. I won 3rd place in the Social Studies fair for my research and presentation on the USSR/Communism and its impact on the people.

8th grade: Yearbook. The quality of photos in our yearbook significantly improved from the previous year. Don't believe me? I can show you the yearbooks side by side. The downside was that there were a lot less photos of me. I focused on reading. I read over 300 books in that one year. Also, math. I completed the whole math program called Success Maker on the computer. I still have the shirt. It's probably why my highest scoring portion of the SATs was math.

9th grade: Volleyball. Worst team ever. Worst coach ever. He was a Basketball coach, so that explains everything. He would yell at some of these girls until he was red in the face and they were crying. I am surprised that none of the girls quit, but I kind of wish they had. We won only one game because a girl was benched for missing practice due to a doctor's appointment, so the coach let me serve for the first time, and I served all 14 points to win the 2nd match, which won the game. He never put me back in to serve because he didn't like that I didn't serve overhand. I also made the Tennis team that year, but when tennis practice started to conflict with my volleyball schedule, I quit. I should have stayed.

10th grade: Volleyball. French club. Journalism. I started with the worst possible situation. Write about anything, but it can't be anything that the other 20 students are writing about. They got to choose specific topics. I was given the freedom to write ANYTHING!!! Ended up writing about stupid things like college requirements, student's vacations, etc. Then I wrote a piece about a particular handsome blue-eyed student who was part of the student exchange program, and I got my article printed on the cover of the paper. It was the back cover, but that's golden! Nobody actually opens up the paper, but they definitely glance at the cover. My next piece had to be better. I was hungry for the spotlight. With this being my last piece for the won't believe me. Will you? I wrote about one of our most beloved teachers leaving the school to pursue his dreams and guess what?! Did you guess it? If you guessed that it made the Front Page News as the leading story, then you guessed right! My dreams had been realized.

11th grade: I skipped. Took a couple online classes and took my 11th grade lit class in summer school. I was definitely over high school.

12th grade: Volleyball team manager. I was working now. Work exit. I was interning at a restaurant as a prep chef. I didn't have time to go to all the practices, but I made it to all the games. Also, I was in Beta club. It's the smarty-pants who want to do good in the world club. True story. As if that wasn't enough on my plate, I also helped out in the attendance office at school.

College: Intermural co-ed Volleyball. French club. Work. Graduated with a BS in Psychology.

I did not think I was going to go into so much detail, but I felt the need to share some of my blood, sweat, and tears with you in this post. I definitely still have some anger to resolve towards certain basketball coaches that graced my life with their presence, but overall my life seems to have always been full of one adventure after another. All my love to the clubs that shaped me.


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