3:00 AM Drivers

Not too long ago I was commuting forty minutes to work. One of these early mornings - 3:00 AM to be exact - I noticed a lot of other vehicles were on the road with me. Suddenly I was asking the question, "Where are all these people heading to at 3:00 AM?"
I started thinking about how some might only now be coming home after a long day. Others might be like me and need to be up at this time to start their days. I know I needed to be up at that time to help open the coffee shop I work at for those early risers who need their coffee at 4:00 AM. I figured some were just passing through - road trip. Of course, I considered the semi-trucks were probably mostly carrying shipments from place to place. Overall, I figured that each of these drivers all had a reason to be out on the road at 3:00 AM, and I was curious about their personal stories.
That day on my way home, I took forty minutes to think about why "corporate America" has people on the roads at 3:00 AM. Why the following phrase for the city of New York has become a reality across the nation: "the city that never sleeps." Once I made it home, I was just thankful I didn't fall asleep behind the wheel and made it home safely.


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