All of my plans for this year include establishing a routine, sticking to it, and working towards achieving my goals. In the past I was always so focused on what I wanted to get done that by Spring everything would fall apart. I would leave it lying on the ground and move on.
This year I have been making sure I am setting smaller goals and keeping in mind that these goals will help me build a foundation for success.
At the end of December, I started with timing my sleep. Making sure I was getting more than 6 hours yet no more than 8 hours of sleep. I still get tired, but it's a completely different feeling. Also, I do not have such a hard time falling asleep as I did before. Who knew that maintaining a sleeping routine would help me sleep better.
Then, I downloaded an app to remind me to drink water. The first week, I wanted to throw my phone into the wall. I felt like I was drowning after only drinking 3 cups of water. It felt unnatural to me. I would see a notification come across my phone and I would say, "Again! Seriously!" I didn't realize how much my body had adapted to being semi-dehydrated all the time. Now, I find myself getting thirsty and craving water. My level of energy has skyrocketed.
Thirdly, I made sure I was eating breakfast everyday. Even if it was something small, like a banana and a handful of almonds. Last thing that I included was taking my vitamins daily. It was difficult to adjust to shoveling a small handful of these into my mouth. Harder still to get them down my throat. Some of these vitamins are so big!
Making these 4 small changes have helped me feel more energized, awake, and aware. I do not feel like I am walking through a fog anymore, like I'm on autopilot.
I will say that my body has never felt better or healthier than here and now.
It may seem like I have applied a lot of changes, but I guarantee you that they are all very small but extremely beneficial to building my foundation. With this combination that makes up my daily routine, I have seen myself become a happier and fully functioning person.
I am putting my focus on setting a solid foundation for myself going forward. This is my vision for 2020.